The Future of Democracy

Can we envision and importantly – bring to life – a democratic model that is truly Of The People, By The People, For The People?

Democracy around the world is looking decidedly unwell. Political agendas stray far from the issues that matter, vested interests trump public good and partisan politics continue to drive us apart. Yet at the same time record numbers of citizens are searching for information on MP voting and citizen assemblies seem to have captured the interest of all political parties.

 How do we engage many more people as active citizens in their local area? How do we create the infrastructure for them to collaborate with and hold institutions to account? Where do we see power sharing that works? And by turning democracy on its head can we reimagine a fuller form that is fit for the future? Can we envision and importantly – bring to life – a model that is truly Of The People, By The People, For The People. And what does that model look like? 

The Future of Democracy is part of a bespoke futuring dinner series - FutureFeast - curated and produced by Glider & Hard Things To Talk About for innovation foundation Nesta in London. FutureFeast brings together 25 influential leaders, pioneering thinkers and creative disruptors to tackle the big questions of our time. A means of radically disrupting preconceptions, challenging old thinking, and inspiring those in positions of power to lead change.


Of The People, By The People, For The People.


An invitation to explore - and be an integral part of - imagining the next democracy.

This intimate conversation dinner experience gives participants a chance to develop and debate new ideas with other leading thinkers that take us beyond current political cycles and allow us to carve out alternative paths into the future. Set on the evocative stage of Hackney’s EartH Theatre, guests feast on a street food-inspired menu and immersive programme of spoken and performative provocations from My Country Talks lead Philip Faigle, The Alternative UK founder Indra Adnan, and collaborative drone choir NYX.


Interested in collaborating on a bespoke experience or series? Let’s explore what’s possible together.


NESTA Nesta is the UK’s innovation foundation, working with partners around the globe to bring bold ideas to life to change the world for good.

FutureFest is a one-day celebration of future possibilities. Created by Nesta, the festival brings together thousands of curious minds from any walk of life and invites them to occupy the future through a range of multi-sensory experiences – including keynotes and debates, comedy and music, artistic installations and interactive experiences. Past festivals have welcomed thinkers and performers such as Edward Snowden, Vivienne Westwood, Nicola Sturgeon, Annie Mac, Akala, Ruby Wax OBE, Brian Eno and Paul Mason. Designed to provide a taste of the FutureFest experience on the big questions of our time, FutureFeasts are experiential evenings of curated talks, performances, food and meaningful conversation.